Assessment is a continuous process, integral to learning and teaching. It is how teachers gain knowledge of their pupils’ needs, achievements and abilities, enabling planning and delivery to be more effective, thereby raising attainment for every child.
At Grange the assessment cycle consists of:
Baseline reception assessment
Phonics screening check
End of Key Stage 1 and 2 statutory assessments
Year 4 times tables assessment
Regular assessments in: phonics, mathematics, reading, writing, science and grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Teacher assessments in all foundation subjects at the end of each unit.
School-based assessments:
At Grange we use the PiXL assessment tool, which allows us to track individual children's progress and attainment. It allows teachers to clearly see children's and class' gaps in learning and allows them to easily fill these gaps.
Throughout the year, in order to determine whether children are meeting age related expectations and have made progress, we assess children using National Curriculum-style tests. Children will be assessed against age-related expectations at standards based on the scaled score model used for SATs. The categories for assessment are:
B / B+ below the expected standard
W / W+ working towards the expected standard
Exp / Exp+ at the expected standard
GD / GD+ above the expected standard.
Parents are informed regularly of their child's attainment and progress.
National Curriculum statutory assessments:
Click here for a link to the DfE page containing information and the assessment timetable for 2023 - 2024.
Pupil outcomes for statutory assessments are reported to parents in end of year reports.