Homework Expectations
At Grange Primary School children will be set weekly homework to support their learning. The amount and level of this will depend on the year group, however will consist of:
Reading 3 times a week
Practising spellings and phonic patterns
A maths activity
At the start of the school year, all children will be assessed in reading and given an appropriate reading book. Children in EYFS, year 1 and 2 will be given a book which they are practicing at school. Homework will be set covering a range of activities including written work, games and online activities.
In the autumn term, children in EYFS are given a library book to enjoy together at home. They will also bring home the sounds they have been learning in school and tricky words to practise at home and a reading book. Later in the year, children will be set weekly homework tasks linked to their learning in class.
Children will also be given topic homework to complete over the course of each half term. This will be linked to what they are learning in class and children will have a range of activities to choose from. The work children create can either be brought into school or uploaded and shared with teachers on Class Dojo. Please click on the following links to see the curriculum homework for each year group for this half term.
Reading challenge
At Grange we believe that learning to read is of utmost importance. To encourage children to read regularly, we have introduced a weekly and termly school reading challenge.
Weekly challenge
Every Friday, each teacher chooses a child from their class who is a 'Star reader'. This might be someone who always reads at home, someone who has been trying hard in phonics or perhaps someone who has just found a new love for reading! Each child is given a golden token and chooses their own book from the fabulous new book vending machine in our beautiful new library. How exciting!