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Statutory Assessments

SATs papers are the statutory tests taken by primary school children to test their knowledge of the national curriculum, as well as monitor the school’s progress as a whole.


Your child will sit two sets of SATs exams: one in key stage 1, when they’re in year 2 and 6-7 years old, and a second in key stage 2, when they’re in year 6 and 10-11 years old.


SATs are taken during the summer school term, generally in May of each year.

On entry to school, teachers undertake a baseline assessment of all reception pupils. The information gathered is used to provide the basis for how schools measure the progress each child makes during their primary school career. 

In year 1 all children are assessed on their phonic knowledge. Any child who doesn't achieve the pass mark (which is usually around 32/40) will re-take the test in year 2. 

When children are in year 2, sitting maths, reading and grammar papers is optional. At Grange, children will do these assessments and they will form the teacher assessment judgements for these subjects alongside their class work. Writing continues to be teacher assessed. 

When children are in year 4, they sit a multiplication tables check, which tests their knowledge of the times tables up to 12 x 12. Times tables are hugely important and underpin a great deal of the maths curriculum, so it is vital that the children learn these. 

In year 6 children sit reading, maths and grammar papers and writing is teacher assessed. 


Click here for a parents' guide to the KS2 SATs assessments. 

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