
Every child at Grange is part of one of the 4 houses: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. The children earn house points through their behaviour and attitudes and work, and each week the points are collated and counted. The house with the most points at the end of the school year wins a reward.
House point totals
Each week, the house points are collected from each class and poured into tubes in the school entrance so that the children can see which team is in the lead. At the end of each term, the house that is in the lead take part in a reward. At the end of the autumn term, the children have a Christmas craft afternoon, in spring they have a treasure hunt and in the summer they have a water activity afternoon. Take a look at our blog to see some of the house rewards that have taken place!
When we introduced house groups at Grange Primary School, the school council proposed the idea to classes and, through class councils, a number of themes were put forward. In order to decide on the theme of our new houses, we held a whole-school polling day. The options were:
precious stones
Take a look at our polling day:

Once a winning theme had been determined, we held a whole-school competition to design logos for our houses Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Children work hard to gain points for their houses in class, in lessons and around the school. The house with the most points at the end of each term receives a team reward!