At Grange Primary School, we aim to provide children with a high-quality education in Music, which develops their appraising, historical knowledge, composing and performing skills. Following the Charanga curriculum, children are consistently given opportunities to be critical and creative within music in order to develop their skills as young musicians.
Throughout the music curriculum, children listen to a wide range of music, from different genres, across different eras. This gives them the opportunity to think critically about what they are listening to. As well as this, it allows them to pick up key features of genres of music which they can later use in their own music. Enabling them to listen to music across time, from the past to the present, gives them the opportunity to understand how music has developed and changed as a result of events of the time.
Children are also provided with opportunities to compose their own pieces of music. This will give them the opportunities to be creative and explore their use of sounds. They will be able to work both individually and as part of a group to create their own pieces of music.
With regards to performing, we intend to give children as many opportunities as possible to perform together in order to develop their confidence. This may be a range of pre-composed songs, which they can perform in their own style or recreate, or songs which they have composed themselves.
To ensure all of the children at Grange receive the best possible music curriculum, we ensure that skills and knowledge are covered and progress through the different year groups, phases and key stages. The following documents show how we have mapped out our music across Grange Primary School.
Music progression
Music coverage
National curriculum programme of study
Intent, implementation and impact statement